Seasons of Life

This stone is in my Grandmother’s beautiful garden.

While on our vacation, we stopped by to visit Grandma for the first time since my Grandpa passed.

Being in their beautiful yard and not getting to hug him too, brought feelings of loss and sadness. I know I’ll see him again, I just miss him.

I was also reminded of the legacy of incredible people I come from. People who grow things, fix things and create things out of nothing.

Working on projects, building things and fixing old things connects me to those people who paved the path. I left her home inspired to do more!


Now that Grandma’s ‘Season of life’ means living without Grandpa, I’m amazed at how she’s doing the things she loves. She’s never been bored, and always has some kind of project. And I love the beauty she’s created around her.

Our lives have many seasons, and my grandmother is proof that we can choose to enjoy each one.

I hope you find time today to enjoy whatever season of life you may be in!

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