Cycling Analogy

I recently went on a group bike ride. At mile 56 I watched the girl in front of me bump into another biker, fall down, hit her head, and get knocked out for about 10 minutes. It really rocked me, and I’ve been a little nervous to get back on the bike, especially in a group.

When she fell, I immediately began pleading with God to help her.

And he did! After an MRI and CT scan she was sent home with a clean bill of health. Amazing!

But I’m still shaken. I’ve even been questioning if I should do the next two events I’ve signed up for.

And then this morning I read this:

“Behold, I will go before you and be your rearward; and I will be in your midst, and you shall not be confounded.” D&C 49:27

When I ride in a group, I follow an experienced rider who calls and points out the road pitfalls. The riders on the sides and behind block the wind, and provide an incredible drafting experience. It’s really symbolic of what the Savior is saying He’ll do. He’ll go before us, and be our rearward, and be in our midst, in all things… not just riding.

When I read this scripture, I instantly felt a little prompting of peace. It felt like a message from the Lord to keep riding and pressing forward. It was a tender moment where I realized that God knows I’ve been confounded over riding, and he cares about it!

I know He cares about the little details in our lives.

I know He wants us to succeed!

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